Vă rog să aveți în vedere faptul că desfășurarea tuturor activităților/evenimentelor outdoor poate fi influențată de condițiile meteo nefavorabile. Siguranța participanților la aceste evenimente este prioritară: din acest motiv, ghidul dumneavoastră poate lua decizia de a modifica corespunzător programul turei/activității (durata, obiective, etc) sau, chiar de re-programare sau anulare a acesteia. Participanții vor fi informați în timp util despre toate deciziile, și banii plătiți vor fi returnați (ori vor constitui un depozit pentru alte evenimente viitoare).

Creasta Gropșoarele-Zăganu. Cheile Pârâului Alb

Muntele Rosu Muntele Rosu, Romania

Gropsoarele-Zăganu Ridge is well known for its spectacular views, especially during the months of May and June, when the red flowers of Rhododendron invade the slopes of the mountains. This time I propose you a circuit that will include, also, another beautiful area (and less …


Explorarea Marocului - Marrakesh, Jebel Toubkal și Essaouira

Imlil Imlil, Morocco

Morocco was, from very beginning, one of our top destination. It is a magnificent country, that offer a real experience to any traveler with an open mind. This trip is designed to offer you, in the best possible manner, the opportunity of enjoying some of …


Tură montană de iarnă în Munții Grohotiș

Grohotis Cheia, Prahova, Romania

Grohotis Mountains are part of Eastern Carpathians, but they are less popular than they neighbors (Ciucas, Neamtului and Piatra Mare Mountains). However,  they offer excellent views all around, especially during the clear winter days. The scenery is fabulous and, most of time, the trails are …

Creasta Zaganu-Gropsoarele

Muntele Rosu Muntele Rosu, Romania

Zaganu-Gropsoarele Ridge has, during the winter time, a special charm and other sense of wilderness. However, you must take into consideration the fact that it is not an easy route: there will be  some ”delicate” passages where we will pay extra-attention and we will make …


Leaota în culori de iarnă

Moieciu de Sus Moieciu De Sus, Brasov, Romania

Leaota Mountains are fabulous during this time of the year, when they are painted in white. During the clear days, with good visibility, they offer fantastic all around views, being possible to admire the western side of Bucegi Mountains, but, also, the entire massif of …


Tură de iarnă în împrejurimile satelor Șirnea și Peștera

sirnea sirnea, Brasov, Romania

Sirnea and Pestera villages are well known for the sceneries that can be found here, but, also, for their bucolic atmosphere. The trails that follow the hills surrounding the villages, are pleasant and accessible for most of the people, being recommended even for families with …


Drumeție pe potecile munților Tătaru

Vama Buzăului Vama Buzaului, Romania

Vama Buzăului area offers plenty of options for outdoor activities, both on and off the beaten trails. The village is surrounded by Ciucas and Tataru Mountains, but, also, has access to Siriu Mountains (via Tatarutu ridge). This tour is planned for the hikers having already some …


Drumeție pe potecile ascunse ale Muntelui Urlătoarea

Dobromiru Vama Buzaului, Brasov, Romania

Hiking around the waterfalls of Urlătoarea Mică river and hidden trails of Urlătoarea Mountain, located on the Northern side of Ciucaș Mountains, still offer the unique opportunity to discover wild unbeaten territories, enjoying their tranquility and fresh air; it is a land of shepherds, who …


Prin Munții Baiului, în sezonul de primăvară

Azuga Azuga, Prahova, Romania

Baiului Mountains are popular, both for hikers and skiers, being an excellent observation platform for the surrounding mountains (Bucegi, Neamțului, Piatra Mare, Grohotiș, Ciucaș) and having some good ski slopes on its northern side. We will meet together in the car park, at the lower …
