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grohotis mountains
1 zi 2-6 Persoane T2 Hiking trail
Grohotis mountains are fabulous during the winter time. With good visibility, we will have fantastic views all around. The profile of our itinerary is very...
eastern turkey
9 zile 5-10 Persoane T3 Mountain hiking trail
Hiking the 3 majestic volcanoes (Ararat - 5137 m, Suphan - 4058 m, Nemrut - 3050 m) and discovering Eastern Turkey is a memorable and...
11 zile 5-10 Persoane T3 Mountain hiking trail
Pentru ascensiunea pe vf. Toubkal (4167), vom călători în Maroc, una dintre cele mai bune destinații...
Valea Zimbrilor on snowshoes is a fabulous winter experience: far of the beaten trails, the place is just perfect for enjoying silence, fresh clean air,...
1 zi 1-10 Persoane
Potecile ascunse ale Muntelui Urlătoarea, situate în partea nordică a masivului Ciucaș, încă oferă experiența unică de a descoperi zone sălbatice, aproape deloc umblate...
EBC Trek
EBC Trek, with Cho La and Gokyo Ri extension is an epic, once in a life time experience, that will offer you the opportunity to...
, 5 zile 2-13 Persoane
Valea Zimbrilor Sanctuary is the main touristic attraction in Vama buzaului area; it was established in 2008, having, initialy, a population of 5 buffalos (brought...
, 8 zile
Topul celor mai înalte vârfuri din Peninsula Balcanică este condus de Musala (2925m), urmat îndeaproape de Myticas (2918m) și Vihren (2914m). Cele trei vârfuri sunt...
Piatra Mare Mountains and Postavaru Mountains, known together as Timisului Mountains or Barsei Mountains, are located within Carpathians’ Bend, in the southern part of the...
1 zi 2-17 Persoane
Bran Castle represents both a historical place and a legend.  It is the source which inspired the most fascinating legend of the blood- shedding Count...