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I have choosed Dades Valley, located between the peaks of the High Atlas and the Jbel Sarhro mountain range, because of its contrasts. Known as...
northern ridge of piatra craiului mountains
Hiking the Northern Ridge of Piatra Craiului Mountains is, for sure, one of the most popular tours. Please be aware that it's a both physically...
1 Day 2-5 People T2 Hiking trail
The circuit of Cheile Turzii and SkyFly via ferrata (iron path) are some of the most popular outdoor activities from Apuseni Mountains (Western Carpathians). Cheile...
Sighisoara sightseeing tour
1 Day
During Sighisoara sightseeing tour we’ll explore one of the most beautiful and best-preserved medieval towns in Europe, being designated by UNESCO as a World Heritage...
1 Day
Brasov Sightseeing Tour is giving to you the chance to enjoy the medieval charm of one of the largest and most cherished cities of Romania....
Hiking through Prapastiile Zarnestilor (Zarnesti Gorge), Pestera and Magura villages is the most popular loop within Piatra Craiului National Park. It offers an excellent opportunity...