Please be aware that all outdoor events are subject of weather forecast/conditions. The safety of all participants to these events is paramount: for that reason, the guide is entrusted to amend accordingly the program (by changing it, re-planning or even cancelling). Participants will be informed in time about any decision, and all money paid will be returned (or kept as a deposit for other future events).
Zaganu-Gropsoarele Ridge
Zaganu-Gropsoarele Ridge has, during the winter time, a special charm and other sense of wilderness. However, you must take into consideration the fact that it is not an easy route: there will be some ”delicate” passages where we will pay extra-attention and we will make proper decisions, before entering into them.
We will start/finish our tour in the proximity of Cheia mountain resort. Please be aware that parking your car in that area might be a bit tricky.
From here, we will follow the marked path that leads us, first, through the forest, to Zăganu sheepfold. From here, we will enter into the alpine area, passing near Zăganu Peak and reaching Gropșoarele Peak. Then, we will find out our way back, via Muntele Roșu hut.
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Being prepared for harsh winter conditions, is essential!!! YOU MUST CHECK CAREFULLY YOUR EQUIPMENT!!! The following check list will help you making correct decision.
HERE you can check the Weather Forecast for our area of interest.
Before booking your place, please read carefully the Terms and Conditions applicable to all my tours and events.